Anyle Côté
Conseil d'économie sociale de l'île de Montréal (CESIM)
To ensure both democratic and agile functioning, Transition en commun has established several complementary bodies. These include working on specific projects, providing specialized expertise on various cross-cutting themes, and guiding the alliance.
Three thematic working groups, five support hubs, the Espace Quartiers, and three major decision-making bodies (the steering comitee, executive council & the general assembly) enable the alliance to successfully carry out its projects and determine its direction as democratically as possible.
The Steering Committee was designed to establish the alliance’s key orientations and make strategic decisions while serving as a hub for networks and partners. It consists of 32 representatives from the various sectors and pillars of the alliance’s transition vision. Members are selected annually through a lottery process. Its meetings take place four times a year during dedicated days that include neighborhood visits.
Conseil d'économie sociale de l'île de Montréal (CESIM)
Conseil régional de l'environnement de Montréal (CRE)
Culture Montréal
Demain Verdun
Centre d’écologie urbaine
Coalition montréalaises des Tables de quartier (CMTQ)
Institut du Nouveau Monde
Fondation David Suzuki
Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES), ESG UQAM
Labo Équité Climat, INRS
Travailleurs travailleuses pour la justice climatique
Coalition Climat Montréal
Regroupement des Éco-quartiers
TIESS - Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire
Mobilisation 6600 Parc-Nature MHM
Une monnaie pour Montréal
PME MTL Centre-Est
Partenariat Climat Montréal
Institut international des coopératives Alphonse et Dorimène Desjardins, HEC Montréal
Observatoire québécois des inégalités
HUB de mobilisation pour la justice climatique
Bureau de la transition écologique et de la résilience Ville de Montréal (BTER)
Arrondissement Le Sud-Ouest
Service de l’urbanisme et de la mobilité - Ville de Montréal
Arrondissement de Montréal-Nord
The Steering Committee was designed to establish the alliance’s key orientations and make strategic decisions while serving as a hub for networks and partners. It consists of 32 representatives from the various sectors and pillars of the alliance’s transition vision. Members are selected annually through a lottery process. Its meetings take place four times a year during dedicated days that include neighborhood visits.
Conseil d'économie sociale de l'île de Montréal (CESIM)
Conseil régional de l'environnement de Montréal (CRE)
Culture Montréal
Demain Verdun
Centre d’écologie urbaine
Coalition montréalaises des Tables de quartier (CMTQ)
Institut du Nouveau Monde
Fondation David Suzuki
Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES), ESG UQAM
Labo Équité Climat, INRS
Travailleurs travailleuses pour la justice climatique
Coalition Climat Montréal
Regroupement des Éco-quartiers
TIESS - Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire
Mobilisation 6600 Parc-Nature MHM
Une monnaie pour Montréal
PME MTL Centre-Est
Partenariat Climat Montréal
Institut international des coopératives Alphonse et Dorimène Desjardins, HEC Montréal
Observatoire québécois des inégalités
HUB de mobilisation pour la justice climatique
Bureau de la transition écologique et de la résilience Ville de Montréal (BTER)
Arrondissement Le Sud-Ouest
Service de l’urbanisme et de la mobilité - Ville de Montréal
Arrondissement de Montréal-Nord
The Executive Committee (EC) is responsible for providing stable and active support to the general coordination team in the day-to-day implementation of strategic, political, and budgetary orientations and operations of the alliance, as well as enhancing decision-making agility. Its role is similar to that of a board of directors for a non-profit organization. The EC is composed of 9 members elected at the annual general meeting or co-opted, and it meets monthly.
Social justice activist
Coalition montréalaises des Tables de quartier (CMTQ)
Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES), ESG UQAM
Coalition Climat Montréal
The Demotorization Working Group addresses mobility issues and the role of automobiles in Montreal. Bringing together a variety of key actors from different neighborhoods, the academic world, and various institutions, the working group develops recommendations and solutions tailored to Montreal’s diverse realities to tackle over-motorization.
Coordinator, Demotorization Working Group & Coordinator, Neighbourhood Approaches to Demotorization, CRE Montreal
Conseil régional de l'environnement de Montréal (CRE)
Coalition mobilité active Montréal
The Housing in Transition Working Group is the space dedicated to thinking about the future of Montreal’s real estate from the perspective of resilience to climate change, access to housing, and energy efficiency.
Coordinator, Neighbourhoods Space & Housing In Transition Working Group
Labo Équité Climat, INRS
Coalition Climat Montréal
General Co-Coordinator
As the socio-ecological transition must be resolutely democratic, the Participative Democracy and Governance Working Group is where the alliance focuses on the democratic future of the City of Montreal. Twenty years after the first project on this issue, the DPG group is making Montreal Democracy 2.0 a major TeC project for the coming months.
Centre d’écologie urbaine
General Co-Coordinator
HEC Montréal
Maison de l'innovation sociale
TIESS - Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire
The JEDI Hub (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) ensures that the alliance integrates social justice issues into its considerations at all times. While it is essential for the alliance to approach this with humility and address biases inherent in traditional environmental movements, it is our duty to make every effort to achieve a transition that leaves no one behind.
Coordinator, Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Hub & Co-Director and Analyst, La Maison Turquoise et soeurs
The Knowledge Hub ensures that citizen, professional, activist, academic, and traditional knowledge are valued in the alliance’s reflections. The hub aims to connect these different forms of knowledge, rejecting the authoritative effects of an expert stance and providing a multidimensional perspective on the shape the socio-ecological transition should take.
Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES), ESG UQAM
Labo Équité Climat, INRS
General Co-Coordinator
The Internal City Committee is the space where several city officials and TeC members exchange ideas on how to develop opportunities for sharing expertise and resources, as well as creating impactful collaborative projects between the City and civil society.
The Stories Hub consolidates a network of expertise in socio-ecological transition narratives by organizing workshops on narrative approaches during TeC events and the annual meetings of the Montreal Culture Commission. This network is also occasionally called upon to contribute to events, projects, or experiments as needed.
Co-coordinator of the Stories committee
Coordinator, Stories Hub
Institut du Nouveau Monde
Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES), ESG UQAM
The Mobilization and Outreach Hub provides support by identifying and analyzing strategic opportunities in public communications and influence, mobilizing actors of the socio-ecological transition, and more broadly, enhancing the overall visibility of the alliance.
Fondation David Suzuki
Travailleurs travailleuses pour la justice climatique
General Co-Coordinator
Communications Coordinator
The Neighbourdhoods Space is a space for reciprocity, solidarity, capacity building, and neighborhood influence within TeC. Regularly hosting meetings on various themes, it is also during its events that the Solutions Space takes place.
Coordinator, Neighbourhoods Space & Housing In Transition Working Group
Coalition montréalaises des Tables de quartier (CMTQ)
Regroupement des Éco-quartiers
Ahuntsic-Cartierville en Transition